
Post-Natal Programmes

Continue your postnatal journey with Clogher Valley Sure Start and allow us to support you, your baby and family through our range of services and programmes..

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Post-Natal Pilates

This 6-week programme is structured for women after birth, it is tailored to reintroduce exercise safely and gradually combining strengthening & stretching exercises to improve abdominal control and pelvic floor function.

Programme delivered by a Chartered Physiotherapist.

Suitable for post-natal mums after their 6 week check-up for normal delivery & 12 week for C.Section.


Post-Natal Yoga

This 6-week programme is structured for women after birth, to help improve flexibility, mobility and strengthen muscles.

Suitable for post-natal mums after their 6 week check-up for normal delivery & 12 week for C.Section.

Suitable for mums with babies up to 1 years of age


Weigh n Play

An informal, sociable get-to-together of parents and babies. We meet 5 times a year in the SPRING Centre to have a chat, share ideas, concerns and experiences.


Bosom Pals

To find out more about breastfeeding and meet other breastfeeding mums come along to ‘Bosom Pals’ breastfeeding support group.  We run weekly, every Wednesday 10am to 11am, in the SRING Centre, Augher.  A Midwife or Health Visitor is in attendance for additional advice.


 Breast Pump Hire

We understand that there may be times when our breastfeeding mums need to express milk. At Clogher Valley Sure Start we hire out electric/battery operated breast pumps at a cost of £30 for an initial period of 3 months. £20 is refundable on return of the pump.